University of the Arts London

• Universiteti i Arteve Londër ofron një gamë të gjerë kursesh në art, dizajn, modë, komunikim dhe arte interpretuese.
• UAL renditet i dyti në botë për Art dhe Dizajn në Renditjet e Universitetit Botëror 2019 QS 2019.
• Universiteti ka një reputacion të klasit botëror dhe është i përbërë nga 6 Kolegje po aq të njohura: Kolegji i Arteve Camberwell, Central Saint Martins, Chelsea College of Art, London College of Communication, London College of Fashion dhe College of Arts Wimbledon.
• Mbi gjysma e stilistëve që morën pjese në London Fashion Week 2018 janë alumni UAL.
• Gjysma e të nominuarëve për çmimin Turner dhe të dy fituesit në 2016 dhe 2017 ishin alumni të UAL.
• UAL ka nxjerrë mbi gjysmën e të gjithë fituesve të çmimit Turner që nga fillimi i saj në 1984.
• 36 nga 77 Akademikët Royal janë alumni të UAL, shërbim ose ish staf.
• Mbi dy të tretat e fituesve të Designer Britanike të Vitit janë alumni UAL.
• Alumni i UAL ka marrë në shtëpi çmimin për 3 vitet e kaluara (2015-2017).

Programet e  studimit bachelor që ofrohen nga ky universitet:

Programi i Studimit Bachelor Tarifat
BA (Hons) 3D Effects for Performance and Fashion   £22,920
BA (Hons) Acting and Performance   £22,920
BA (Hons) Advertising   £22,920
BA (Hons) Animation   £22,920
BA (Hons) Architecture   £22,920
BA (Hons) Ceramic Design   £22,920
BA (Hons) Cordwainers Fashion Bags and Accessories:
Product Design and Innovation  
BA (Hons) Costume for Performance   £22,920
BA (Hons) Costume for Theatre and Screen   £22,920
BA (Hons) Creative Technical Theatre   £22,920
BA (Hons) Design for Branded Spaces   £22,920
BA (Hons) Design Management   £22,920
BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion
Communication and Promotion  
BA (Hons) Fashion Imaging and Illustration   £22,920
BA (Hons) Fashion Jewellery   £22,920
BA (Hons) Fashion Public Relations and Communication £22,920
BA (Hons) Fashion Styling and Production   £22,920
BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design with Marketing   £22,920
BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Print   £22,920
BA (Hons) Film and Screen Studies   £22,920
BA (Hons) Film and Television   £22,920
BA (Hons) Film Practice   £22,920
BA (Hons) Fine Art £22,920
BA (Hons) Fine Art: Computational Arts   £22,920
BA (Hons) Fine Art: Drawing   £22,920
BA (Hons) Fine Art: Painting   £19,350 (2018/19 fees)
BA (Hons) Fine Art: Photography   £22,920
BA (Hons) Fine Art: Sculpture   £22,920
BA (Hons) Games Design   £22,920
BA (Hons) Graphic And Media Design   £22,920
BA (Hons) Graphic Communication Design   £22,920
BA (Hons) Hair, Make-up and Prosthetics for

BA (Hons) Illustration and Visual Media   £22,920
BA (Hons) Interior and Spatial Design   £22,920
BA (Hons) Interior Design   £22,920
BA (Hons) Jewellery Design   £22,920
BA (Hons) Journalism   £22,920
BA (Hons) Media Communications   £22,920
BA (Hons) Performance: Design and Practice   £22,920
BA (Hons) Photojournalism and Documentary
BA (Hons) Product and Furniture Design   £22,920
BA (Hons) Public Relations   £22,920
BA (Hons) Sound Arts   £20,920
BA (Hons) Technical Arts for Theatre and Performance   £22,920
BA (Hons) Television and Live Events Production   £20,920
BA (Hons) Textile Design   £22,920
BA (Hons) Theatre Design   £22,920
BSc (Hons) Fashion Management   £22,920
BSc (Hons) Psychology of Fashion                 £22,920

Programet e  studimit Master që ofrohen nga ky universitet:

Programi i Studimit Master Tarifat
MFA Fine Art £12,430
MA Fashion Photography £22,920
MA Photography  £22,920
MA Biodesign  £16,450
MA Art and Science £14,725
MA Book Arts £10,920
MA Illustration £22,920
MSc Creative Computing £19,930
MA Fine Art Drawing £22,920
MA Material Futures   £16,450
MA Fine Art Painting £22,920
MA Fine Art Sculpture £22,920
MA Fashion Journalism £22,920
MA Fashion Curation £22,920
MA Fine Art Photography  £22,920
MA Strategic Fashion Marketing £22,920
MA Textile Design £22,920
MA Fashion Design Management £22,920
MA Innovative Fashion Production £22,920
MA Footwear £19,930
MA Global Fashion Retailing £22,920
MA Illustration and Visual Media £22,920
MA Film £22,920
MA Fashion Cultures and Histories £22,920
MA Fashion Artefact £22,920
MA Curating and Collections  £19,930
MA Animation  £22,920
MA Television £22,920
MA Culture, Criticism and Curation £19,930
MA Graphic Media Design  £22,920
MA Screenwriting  £22,920
 MA Games Design £22,920
MA Data Visualisation £22,920
MA Virtual Reality (VR) £22,920
MA Advertising £22,920
MA Fashion Entrepreneurship £22,920
MA Character Animation  £14,725 
MA Sound Arts £22,920
MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography £22,920
MA  Public Relations £22,920
MA Acting £25,880
MA Designer Maker £22,920
MA Design Management £22,920
M ARCH: Architecture £19,620
MA Visual Effects (VFX) £22,920
MA Innovation Management  £16,450
MA Graphic Communication Design  £16,450
MA Documentary Film  £22,920
MA Screen: Acting  £22,500 (2019/20).
MA Screen: Directing  £22,500 (2019/20).
MA 3D Computer Animation £19,930
 MSc Applied Psychology in Fashion £22,920
MA Arts and Lifestyle Journalism £22,920
Master of Business Administration £27,000 
MA Graphic Design Communication £22,920
MA Graphic Branding and Identity £22,920
MA Theatre Design £22,920
MA Performance Design and Practice £14,725
MA Design for Social Innovation and Sustainable Futures £22,920
MA Contemporary Theatre and Performance £22,920
  • Afati i aplikimit
  • Afatet përfundimtare për të aplikuar për kurse universitare bachelor me kohë të plotë është 15 janari për marrjen e shtatorit. Nëse është e mundur, përpiquni të siguroni që kërkesa juaj të arrijë universitetin deri në këtë datë. Shërbimi i Pranimit të Universiteteve dhe Kolegjeve (UCAS) dërgon të gjitha aplikimet që merr pas 15 janarit (deri më 30 qershor). Por Universiteti i Arteve London UK nuk mund të garantojë se ata do të japin të njëjtin nivel konsideratë ose ofertë si ato që mbërrijnë deri më 15 janar.
  • Për programet e nivelit master rekomandojmë të gjithë studentët të aplikojnë të paktën deri më 15 maj për fillimin e shtatorit.
  • Akomodimi ne University of Arts London
  • UAL ofron disa nga akomodimet më të mira studentore në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar.
  • Në bazë të kampusit ku do të zhvillohen studimet tuaja, mund të zgjidhni dhe akomodimin e dëshiruar në konviktet që ofron universiteti.

Për më tepër informacion mund të klikoni tek faqja zyrtare e universitetit: