Coventry University

  • Universiteti Coventry është një universitet publik me vendodhje në Coventry, Angli,themeluar qe prej vitit 1843.
  • Universiteti bën pjesë në dy universitet më të mëdha të qytetit Coventry me më shumë se 29,000 studentë dhe njihet si universiteti me rritjen më të shpejtë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar.
  • Universiteti Coventry  kady kampe kryesore: një në qendër të Coventry, dhe një në Londrën qendrore ku zhvillohen kurset e biznesit dhe menaxhimit.
  • Universiteti Coventry është renditur në vendin e 15-të në Mbreterine e Bashkuar Guardian University Guide 2020.
  • Në vitin 2017, universiteti fitoi çmimin Gold në the Teaching Excellence Framework (THE). Coventry është një anëtar i grupit të misionit të Aleancës Universitare.
  • Coventry ofron më shumë se 130 gradë universitare dhe 100 gradë pasuniversitare në katër fakultetet e saj, si dhe kualifikime të tilla foundation degrees dhe Higher National Diplomas (HNDs).
  • Akomodimi për studentët sigurohet nga universiteti dhe nga ndërmarrjet private. Coventry zotëron katër objekte: Salla Priory, Quadrant Hall, Singer Hall dhe 72a Margaret Road, si dhe disa shtëpi rreth Coventry, kryesisht në zonën Earlsdon.
  • Programet Bachelor që ofron ky universitet:
  • Kampus Coventry:
Programi Tuition Fee
Accountancy BSc (Hons) £13,900
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) £13,900
Accounting and Finance for International Business BSc Top-Up £13,900
Advertising and Marketing BA (Hons) £13,900
Aerospace Technology BEng (Hons) £16,400
Aerospace Systems Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons) £16,400
Analytical Chemistry and Forensic Science BSc (Hons) £15,100
Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons) £15,100
Applied Mechanical Engineering BSc (Hons) Top-Up £16,400
Architectural Technology BSc (Hons) £16,400
Architecture BSc (Hons) £16,400
Automotive and Transport Design BA (Hons) £16,400
Automotive Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons) £16,400
Aviation Management BSc (Hons) £16,400
Banking and Finance BSc (Hons) £13,900 
Biological and Forensic Science BSc (Hons) £15,100
Biomedical Science/Applied Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) £15,100
BSc Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management(100% online study) £16,400
Building Surveying BSc (Hons) £16,400
Business Administration BBA (Hons) £13,900
Business and Finance BSc (Hons) £13,900
Business and Human Resource Management BA (Hons) £13,900
Business and Marketing BA (Hons) £13,900
Business Economics BSc (Hons) £13,900
Business Management BA (Hons) £13,900
Childhood, Youth and Education Studies BA (Hons) £13,900
Children and Young People’s Nursing BSc (Hons) £16,400
Civil Engineering BSc £16,400
Civil and Environmental Engineering £16,400
Civil Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons) £16,400
Computer Hardware and Software Engineering BEng (Hons) £16,400
Computer Science BSc / MSci (Hons) £16,400
Computing BSc (Hons) £16,400
Construction Management BSc (Hons) £16,400
Counselling: Integrative Theory & Practice BA (Hons) £15,100
Creative Writing BA (Hons) £13,900
Criminology and Law BA (Hons) £13,900
Criminology and Psychology BA (Hons) £13,900
Criminology BA (Hons) £13,900
Data Science MSci/BSc (Hons) £14,500
Dietetics and Human Nutrition BSc (Hons) £16,400
Digital & Technology Solutions BSc (Hons) £13,900
Digital Marketing BA (Hons) £13,900
Digital Media BA (Hons) £16,400
Disaster and Emergency Management BSc (Hons) £14,500
Early Childhood Development & Learning BA (Hons) £15,100
Economics BSc (Hons) £13,900
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons) £16,400
Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) £15,100
Electronic Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons) £16,400
Energy Resources Management BSc (Hons) £14,500
Engineering BSc (Part time) £16,400
Engineering Business Management BEng (Hons) Top-Up £15,600
English and Creative Writing BA (Hons) £13,250
*2019/2020 based
English BA (Hons) £13,900
English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) BA (Hons) £13,250
*2019/2020 based
English Language BA (Hons) £13,900
English Literature BA (Hons) £13,900
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship BA (Hons) £13,900
Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity MSci/BSc (Hons)  £16,400
European Business Management BA (Hons) £13,900
Event Management BA (Hons) £13,900
Fashion BA (Hons) £16,400
Finance and Investment BSc (Hons) £13,900
Finance BSc (Hons) £13,900
Financial Economics BSc (Hons) £13,900
Financial Services BA (Hons) £13,900
Fine Art and Illustration BA (Hons) £16,400
Fine Art BA (Hons) £16,400
Food Control CertHE £7,500
Food Safety, Inspection and Control BSc (Hons) £15,100
Food Science BSc (Hons) £15,100
Forensic Investigations BSc (Hons) £14,500
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) £15,100
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design 2019/20 fees TBC
2018/19 fees – £12,600
Games Art BA (Hons) £16,400
Games Technology BSc (Hons) £16,400
Geography and Natural Hazards BSc (Hons) £14,500
Geography BA (Hons) £14,500
Geography BSc (Hons) £14,500
Global Media and Journalism BA (Hons) £16,400
Graphic Design BA (Hons) £16,400
History and Politics BA (Hons) £13,900
History BA (Hons) £13,900
Human Biosciences BSc (Hons) £15,100
Illustration and Animation BA (Hons) £16,400
Illustration and Graphics BA (Hons) £16,400
Informatics BSc (Hons) Top Up £15,600
Information Technology for Business BSc (Hons) £16,400
Interactive Media and Web Technologies BSc (Hons) £16,400
Interior Architecture and Design BA (Hons)   £16,400
International Business BA (Hons) Top-Up £13,900
International Business BA Top-up(100% online study) £13,900  
International Business Management BSc (Hons) £13,900
International Business Management BSc (Hons) £13,900
International Digital Marketing BA (Hons) Top Up £13,900
International Event and Hospitality Management BA (Hons) Top Up £13,900
International Fashion Business BA (Hons) £16,400
International Finance and Banking BSc (Hons) Top Up £13,900
International Marketing BA (Hons) Top Up £13,900
International Relations BA (Hons) £13,900
Journalism BA (Hons) £16,400
Languages for Global Communication BA (Hons) £13,900
Law & Practice BA (Hons) £13,900
Law LLB (Hons) £13,900
Learning Disabilities Nursing BSc (Hons) £16,400
Management & Leadership BA (Hons) £13,900
Manufacturing Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons) £16,400
Marketing & Public Relations BA (Hons) £13,900
Marketing BA (Hons) £13,900
Mathematics and Physics BSc (Hons) £14,500
Mathematics and Statistics BSc (Hons) £14,500
Mathematics BSc (Hons) £14,500
Mechanical Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons) £16,400
Media and Communications BA (Hons) £16,400
Media BA (Hons) Top Up £15,600
Media Production BA (Hons) £16,400
Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons) £16,400
Motorsport Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons) £16,400
Music BA (Hons) £16,400
Music Technology BSc £16,400
Nursing Studies BSc (Hons) £13,900
Nutrition and Health BSc (Hons) £15,100
Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons) £16,400
Operating Department Practice BSc/DipHE £13,900
Paramedic Science BSc £13,900
Pharmacology BSc (Hons)   £14,400 
*2019/2020 fees
Photography BA (Hons) £16,400
Physics MPhys/BSc (Hons) £16,400
Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) £16,400
Policing BA (Hons) £13,900
Politics BA (Hons) £13,900
Popular Music Performance and Songwriting BA (Hons) £16,400
Product Design MDes/BA (Hons) £16,400
Professional Accounting BA (Hons) £13,900
Public Health & Community Studies BA (Hons) £15,100
Psychology BSc (Hons) £15,100
Public Health BSc £16,400
Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management BSc (Hons) £16,400
Social Work BA (Hons) £13,900
Sociology and Criminology BA (Hons) £13,900
Sociology BA (Hons) £13,900
Sport and Exercise Psychology BSc (Hons) £15,100
Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons) £15,100
Sport and Exercise Therapy BSc (Hons) £15,100
Sport Management BA (Hons) £13,900
Sports Coaching BSc £15,100
Theatre and Professional Practice BA (Hons) £16,400
  • Programet Bachelor që ofron ky universitet

Kampusi në Scarborough

Programi Tuition Fee
Acting BA (Hons) £11,000
Business Management & Leadership BA (Hons) £13,900
Cyber Security BSc (Hons) £13,900
Health & Social Care BA (Hons) £15,100
Primary Education & Teaching Studies BA (Hons) £15,100
Professional Policing BA (Hons) £13,900
Public Health & Community Studies BA (Hons) £15,100
Sport & Leisure Management BA (Hons) £13,900
  • Programet Bachelor që ofron ky universitet

Kampusi Londër:

Programi Tuition Fee
Accounting and Finance for International Business top up BA (Hons) £13,900
Applied Global Marketing BSc (Hons) £13,900 
Financial Economics and Banking BSc (Hons) £13,900
Global Business Management BA (Hons) £13,900
Global Events Management BSc (Hons) £12,924
International Fashion Management and Marketing BA (Hons) £13,900
International Finance and Accounting BA (Hons) £13,900
International Hospitality and Tourism Management BA (Hons) £13,900
  • Programet Master që ofron ky universitet:
  • Kampus Coventry:
Programi Tarifat
Academic Writing Development and Research MA £6,200
Academic Writing Development and Research PGDip £4,133
Academic Writing Development PGCert £2,066
Accounting and Financial £16,600
£20,600 (with prof.experience) 
Advanced Adult Social Work PGCert £4,600
Advanced Child and Family Social Work PGCert £4,383   
Advanced International Business MSc   £16,600
£20,600 (with prof.experience)
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc £16,600
Advanced Supply Chain Management MSc £16,600
Advancing Physiotherapy Practice MSc £14,700
Advertising and Marketing MA £16,600
Aerospace Engineering MSc £16,600
Agroecology, Water and Food Sovereignty MSc £14,700
Air Transport Management MSc £16,600
Applied Psychology MSc £14,700
£17,550 (with professional experience) 
Architecture MArch £9,800
Automotive and Transport Design MA £14,700
Automotive Engineering MSc £16,600
Automotive Journalism MA £14,700
Banking and Finance MSc £16,600
Biomedical Science MSc   £14,700
£17,550 (with professional experience)
Biotechnology MSc   £14,700
£17,550 (with professional experience)
Brand Management MA   £16,600
£20,600 (with prof.experience) 
Business Analytics MSc £16,600
Business and Organisational Psychology MSc £14,700
£17,550 (with professional experience)
Career Guidance (QCD) PGDip, MA   £13,800(MA)
Civil Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons) £16,400
Civil Engineering/Civil Engineering Technical Route MSc £16,600
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy MSc (top-up) £4,600
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy PGDip £13,833
Communication, Culture and Media MA £14,700
Computer Science BSc / MSci (Hons) £16,400
Computer Science MSc £16,600
Construction Management with BIM MSc £16,600
Construction Project and Cost Management MSc £16,600
Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence MSc £16,600
Countering Organised Crime MA £16,600
Crowded Places and Public Safety Management MSc £14,700
Cyber Security MSc £16,600
Data Science and Computational Intelligence MSc £16,600
Design and Transport MSc £14,000  *2019/2020 fee
Design Management MA £14,700
Digital Marketing Management MSc £16,600
Digital Technology for Business MSc £16,600
Digital Technology for Engineering MSc £16,600
Diplomacy, Law and Global Change MA £14,700
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MSc £16,600
Disaster Management and Resilience MSc £14,700  
Electrical Automotive Engineering MSc £16,600
Embedded Systems Engineering MSc £16,600
Emergency Management and Resilience MSc £14,700
Engineering Management MSc £16,600
Engineering Project Management MSc £16,600
English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics PgCert, PGDip, MA £14,700 (MA)
£9,800 (PGDip)
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education MA £15,800     *2019/2020 fee
Enterprise and Innovation MSc   £16,600
£17,550 (with Professional Practice)
Finance MSc £16,600
Financial Risk Management MSc £16,600
Forensic Computing MSc £16,600
Forensic Psychology and Mental Health MSc TBC*
Forensic Psychology and Offender Rehabilitation MSc £14,700
Forensic Psychology MSc £14,700
Fraud Investigation Management MSc £14,700
£17,550 (with professional experience)
Global Diversity Governance MPA £8,700
Global Entrepreneurship MA £15,800   *2019/2020 fee
Global Health Care Management MSc   £14,700
£17,550 (with professional experience)
Global Journalism and Public Relations MA £14,000  *2019/2020 fee
Graphic Design MA £14,700
Health Psychology MSc £14,700
£17,550 (with professional experience) 
Highways and Transportation Engineering MSc £15,800  *2019/2020 fee
Human Factors in Aviation MSc £16,600
Human Resource Management MA £16,600
Illustration and Animation MA £14,700
Interior Design MA £14,700
International Business Economics MSc £16,600
International Business Law LLM £14,000   *2019/2020 fee
International Business Management MSc     £16,600
International Business MSc   £15,800  *2019/2020 fee
International Commercial Law LLM   £14,700
£18,700 (with prof.experience)
International Corporate Law LLM   £14,700
£18,700 (with prof.experience) 
International Entrepreneurship MSc £16,600
International Events Management MSc £16,600
£20,600 (with prof.experience)
International Human Resource Management MSc £16,600
International Human Rights Law LLM £14,700
International Law LLM   £14,000   *2019/2020 fee
International Marketing Management MSc £16,600
International Policing MPA £17,066   *2019/2020 fee
International Relations MA £14,700
Investment Management MSc   £16,600
£20,600 (with prof.experience)
Law LLM   £14,700
£18,700 (with prof.experience)
Leadership and Management PgCert, PgDip, MA £16,600
Management MSc TBC
Management of Information Systems and Technology MSc £16,600
Manual Therapy MSc £14,700
Maritime Security PgCert, PGDip, MA £8,700 (MA)
£5,800 (PGDip)
£2,900 (PGCert) 
Master of Business Administration £17,550
Masters in Business Administration (MBA) online £16,700
MBA (for the Cyber Security Management sector) online £16,700
MBA (for the Healthcare sector) online £16,700
MBA Sustainable Tourism online £16,700
MBA with Artificial Intelligence specialism online £16,700
MBA with Marketing specialism online £16,700
Mindfulness and Compassion PGDip, MSc £9,800 (PGDip)
Molecular Biology MSc   £14,700
£17,550 (with professional experience)
MSc Global Logistics online £15,800
Nursing MSc £14,700
Occupational Psychology MSc   £14,700 (Classroom)
£13,800 (Online)
Oil and Gas Engineering MSc £16,600
Oil and Gas Management MSc £16,600
Painting MA £14,700
Peace and Conflict Studies PgCert, PGDip, MA   £8,700 (MA)
£5,800 (PGDip)
£2,900 (PGCert)
Petroleum and Environmental Technology MSc £16,600
PgCert in Entrepreneurship online AUD 8,800
Pharmacology and Drug Discovery MSc   £14,700
£17,550 (with professional experience)
Practice Education PGC £4,600
Product Design Innovation MA £14,700
Production Engineering and Operations Management MSc £16,600
Professional Accountancy MSc £17,550
Professional Creative Writing MA £16,600
Project Management MSc £16,600
Psychology MSc £14,700
Public Health Nutrition MSc £14,700
Public International Law LLM £14,700
Renewable Energy Engineering MSc £16,600
Reviewing Research Literature TBC
Social Work MA £14,700
Software Development MSc £16,600
Sport Management MSc £16,600
£20,600 (with prof.experience) 
Sports and Exercise Nutrition MSc £14,700
Strength and Conditioning MSc £14,700
Structural Engineering MSc £16,600
Supply Chain Management and Logistics MSc £16,600
Sustainability and Environmental Management MSc £16,600
Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Care PgCert online £2,066
Terrorism, International Crime and Global Security MA £14,000 *2019/2020 fee
  • Programet Master që ofron ky universitet

Kampusi Londër:

Programi Tuition Fee
Financial Technology (FinTech) MSc £16,600
£17,550 (with Professional Practice)
Global Business MBA £18,600
Global Finance MSc £14,509    *2019/2020 fee
Global Financial Services MBA £18,600
Global Financial Trading MSc   £16,600
£17,550 (with Professional Practice)
International Fashion Management MBA £18,600
International Fashion Marketing MSc   £16,600
£17,550 (with Professional Practice)
International Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc £16,600
£17,550 (with Professional Practice)
International Human Resource Management MBA £18,600
International Marketing MBA £18,600
International Project Management MSc £16,600
£17,550 (with Professional Practice)
Professional Accounting MSc £16,600
£17,550 (with Professional Practice)

Website i universitetit: