Bournemouth University

  • Ndodhet në qytetin bregdetar të Bournemouth,Britani e Madhe.
  • Në maj të vitit 2019, BU iu dha një çmim bronzi Athena SWAN në njohje të arritjeve dhe angazhimit për përmirësimin e barazisë gjinore në Arsimin e Lartë.
  • U bë universiteti i parë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar në 2013 që mori statusin e “commended” për cilësinë e mundësive të të mësuarit. Statusi, i dhënë nga QAA (the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education), riaprovon faktin se si u ofrohet studentëve mundësia për të pasur sukses.
  • Universiteti Bournemouth ka më shumë se 19,000 studentë dhe është renditur si një nga 200 universitetet më të reja në botë.
  • Në qershor të 2017 Universiteti Bournemouth ka fituar çmimin award në Teaching Excellence and Student Outreach Framework (TEF). Ky çmim tani është shtrirë, deri në 2021.
  • BU ka mbajtur Excmimin e Përsosmërisë së Burimeve Njerëzore të Komisionit Evropian në Kërkime që nga viti 2013.
  • 93.1% e të diplomuarve nga BU nga studimi universitar dhe 91% e të diplomuarve të studimit pasuniversitar janë në punë ose studim të mëtejshëm gjashtë muaj pas diplomimit – Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey, 2017.
  • Programet e  studimit Bachelor që ofrohen nga ky universitet:
Programi i studimit Bachelor Tarifat
BA (Hons) Accounting £14,100
BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance £14,100
BA (Hons) Business and Management (Top-up) £14,100
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences £15,000
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences £15,000
BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology £15,000
BSc (Hons) Computer Networks £15,000
BSc (Hons) Computing £15,000
 BSc (Hons) Cyber Security Management £15,000
BSc (Hons) Cyberpsychology £15,000
BA (Hons) Communication and Media £14,100
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design £14,100
BA (Hons) Criminology £15,000
BSc (Hons) Data Science and Analytics £15,000
BSc (Hons) Design Engineering £15,000
BSc (Hons) Economics £14,100
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science £15,000
 BA (Hons) English £14,100
 BA (Hons) Events Management £14,100
BA (Hons) Film £14,100
BA (Hons) Film Production and Cinematography £14,100
 BA (Hons) Finance £14,100
 BSc (Hons) Forensic Biology £15,000
 BSc (Hons) Forensic Computing and Security £14,100
BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigation £14,100
 BSc (Hons) Forensic Science £14,100
BSc (Hons) Games Design £14,100
 BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering £14,100
BA (Hons) History  £14,100
BSc (Hons) Information Technology Management £15,000
BA (Hons) International Finance (Top-up) £14,100
BA (Hons) International Hospitality Management £14,100
BA (Hons) International Management (Top-up) £14,100
BA (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management £14,100
LLB (Hons) Law £14,100
LLB (Hons) Law with Politics £14,100
 LLB (Hons) Law, Media & Creative Industries £14,100
 BA (Hons) Marketing Communications £14,100
 BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Advertising £14,100
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Digital Media £14,100
 BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Public Relations £14,100
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering £15,000
BA (Hons) Media Production £14,100
BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism £14,100
BA (Hons) Music and Sound Production £14,100
 BSc (Hons) Medical Science £15,000
BSc (Hons) Nutrition £15,000
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy £15,000
BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice £15,000
 BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science £15,000
BA (Hons) Photography £14,100
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy £15,000
 BA (Hons) Politics £14,100
 BA (Hons) Politics and Economics £14,100
 BA (Hons) Product Design Futures £15,000
 BSc (Hons) Product Design £15,000
BSc (Hons) Psychology £15,000
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling £15,000
 BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Investigation £15,000
 BA (Hons) Sociology £14,100
BA (Hons) Sociology and Criminology £14,100
 BA (Hons) Sociology with Politics £14,100
 BSc (Hons) Software Engineering £15,000
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science £14,100
 BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching £14,100
BSc (Hons) Sport Management £14,100
BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy £15,000
BA (Hons) Television Production £14,100
BA (Hons) Tourism Management £14,100
BA (Hons) Visual Effects £14,100
  • Programet e  studimit Master që ofrohen nga ky universitet:
Programi i studimit Master Tarifat
Master of Business Administration £15,000
MA Advertising £15,000
MSc Biodiversity Conservation £15,000
MSc Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology £14,500
MSc Computer Animation and Visual Effects £15,500
MA 3D Computer Animation £15,500
MSc Cyber Security and Human Factors £14,500
MA Cinematography for Film and Television £14,500
MA Creative Writing and Publishing £14,000
MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence £14,500
MA Design Management £14,500
MA Directing Film and Television £14,500
MA Digital Effects £15,500
MSc Digital Health £14,500
MSc Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence £14,500
MSc Disaster Management £14,500
MA English and Literary Media £14,000
MSc Engineering Project Management £14,500
MSc Events Marketing £14,000
MSc Finance £14,750
MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology £14,500
MSc Health Psychology £14,500
MSc Health Research £14,500
MSc Hotel and Food Services Management £14,000
MSc Information Technology £14,500
MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship £14,750
LLM Intellectual Property £14,000
LLM International Commercial Law £14,000
LLM International Tax Law £14,000
LLM Legal Practice course £12,000
LLM Public International Law £14,000
MSc International Accounting and Finance £14,750
MSc International Finance and Economics £14,750
MSc International Management £14,750
MSc Internet of Things £14,500
MSc Internet of Things with Cyber Security £14,500
MSc Internet of Things with Data Analytics  £14,500
MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology £14,500
MSc Management with Business Analytics £14,750
MSc Management with Human Resources £14,750
MSc Marketing and User Experience £14,750
MSc Marketing Management £14,750
MSc Marketing Management (Digital) £14,750
MA Marketing Communications £14,500
MSc Marketing Management (Retail) £14,750
MSc Mechanical Engineering Design £14,500
MA Media and Communication £14,500
MSc Mental Health Nursing £15,000
MA Multimedia Journalism £14,500
MSc Nutrition and Behaviour £14,500
MSc Organisational Project Management £14,750
MA Political Psychology £14,500
MA Post Production Editing £14,500
MA Producing Film and Television £14,500
MA Scriptwriting £14,500
MSc Public Health £14,500
MA Social Work £14,500
MA Sound Design for Film and Television £14,500
MSc Sport Management £15,000
MSc Sustainable Economic Development and Emerging Markets £14,750
MSc Tourism Marketing Management £14,000
  • Data e mbylljes normale për të pranuar aplikime për kurset universitare bachelor me kohë të plotë është 15 janari për marrjen e shtatorit.
  • Shërbimi i Pranimit të Universiteteve dhe Kolegjeve i njohur gjithashtu si UCAS dërgon të gjitha aplikimet që ai merr pas 15 janarit (deri më 30 qershor) por universiteti nuk mund të garantojë se ata do të japin të njëjtin nivel konsideratë ose ofertë si ato që mbërrijnë deri më 15 janar.
  • Në përgjithësi,  Bournemouth University (BU) UK, nuk ka një afat aktual aplikimi për kurset e nivelit master. Sidoqoftë, ne rekomandojmë të gjithë studentët të aplikojnë të paktën deri më 15 maj për fillimin e shtatorit.
  • Universiteti ofron një sërë opsionesh akomodimi që i përshtaten çdo nevoje.
  • Në bazë të kampusit ku do të zhvillohen studimet tuaja, mund të zgjidhni dhe akomodimin e dëshiruar në konviktet që ofron universiteti.

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