University of Law

  • University of Law është një nga universitet më të vjetër në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar të arsimit juridik,themeluar që prej vitit 1876.
  • Ajo çfarë e diferencon nga  universitetet e tjeraë,është parimi udhëzues që avokatët e ardhshëm dhe drejtuesit e biznesit duhet të mësojnë në një kontekst realist, profesional dhe bashkëkohor, me shumë angazhim praktik ndërveprues.
  • Universiteti ofron mundësinë e studimit në një nga 14 kampuset  në të gjithë Mbretërinë e Bashkuar, në internet, ose në një nga kampuset ndërkombëtare në Hong Kong dhe Berlin.
  • University of Law ka kampuse në Birmingham, Bristol, Chester, Guildford, GISMA Berlin, Hong Kong, Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham, University of Chester, University of Anglia Lindore, University of Exeter, University of Liverpool, University of Reading dhe dy lokacione në Londër – Bloomsbury dhe Moorgate. Ju gjithashtu mund të studioni në Spanjë me diplomen e  dyfishtë LLB.
  • Nëpërmjet  CampuSwitch studentët kanë  mundësinë për të filluar shkollimin në një kampus dhe më pas të transferohen në një tjetër për të vazhduar dhe përfunduar studimet e tyre.
  • Programet Bachelor që ofron universiteti dhe tarifat:
Programi Tuition Fee
Law £16,400
Politics and International Relations £13,750
Civil and English Law £13,750
Foundation Programme International Law £11,100
Law(LLB) £13,750
Law Senior Status £13,750
Law with Business £13,750
Law with Criminal Justice £13,750
Law with Criminology £13,750
Law with Government and Politics £13,750
Law with International Business £13,750
Law with Legal Innovation and Technology £13,750
Business Management (UK campuses) £13,750
Business Management (Berlin on-campus) €12,000
Business Management with Law £13,750
Business Management with Marketing £13,750
International Business Management (Top Up) £13,750
Accounting and Finance £13,750
Digital Business Management £13,750
Digital Marketing (UK campuses) £13,750
Digital Marketing (Berlin on-campus) €12,000
International Business Management (UK campuses) £13,750
International Business Management (Berlin on-campus) €12,000
Foundation Programme International Business £11,100
  • Programet Master që ofron universiteti dhe tarifat:
Programi Tuition Fee
Bar Practice Course (Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham £11,750
Bar Practice Course (London Bloomsbury ) £13,000
Bar Practice Course LLM (Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham) £14,450
Bar Practice Course LLM (London Bloomsbury) £16,000
Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) (Birmingham, Bristol, Chester, Exeter, Guildford, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Reading) £9,700
Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) (Hong Kong) HKD $100,000
Company Law £12,000
Corporate Governance £12,000
Corporate Governance GradCG £12,000
International Business Law £12,000
International Corporate Governance £12,000
International Human Rights Law £12,000
Legal Practice Programmes (UK campuses)  £8,750

Legal Practice Programmes (Hong Kong campus) HKD $89,250
Master of Laws (General) £12,000
Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution £12,000
Medical Law and Ethics £12,000
Legal Practice Course (London Moorgate) £17,300
Legal Practice Course (Birmingham, Bristol, Exeter, Guildford. Reading, Norwich) £13,600
Legal Practice Course (Chester, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham)     £12,750
Legal Practice Course (London (BloomsburyandMoorgate) £17,300
Company Law £12,000
Corporate Governance £12,000
International Business Law(MA) £12,000
International Corporate Governance(MA) £12,000
International Human Rights Law £12,000
Law (London Bloomsbury and Moorgate) £13,300
Law (Birmingham, Bristol, Chester, Guildford, Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham) £10,950
Law (Hong Kong campus) HKD $120,000
Medical Law and EthicsMedical Law and Ethics(MA) £12,000
Legal Technology Msc £8,750
Legal Technology PG Dip and PG Cert PG Dip £8,050
PG Cert £4,025
Leadership MBA £24,000
Business Intelligence and Analytics (London campuses) £17,000
Business Intelligence and Analytics (Berlin campus) €16,000
Corporate Financial Management €15,000
Cyber Security and Data Governance (London campuses) £17,000
Cyber Security and Data Governance (Berlin campus) €16,000
Digital Marketing (London campuses) £17,000
Digital Marketing (Berlin campus) €16,000
Digital Sales and Management (London campuses) £17,000
Digital Sales and Management (Berlin campus) €16,000
Financial Compliance and Governance (London campuses) £17,000
Financial Compliance and Governance (Berlin campus) €16,000
Financial Risk Management (London campuses) £17,000
Financial Risk Management (Berlin campus) €16,000
Global Accounting (London campuses) £14,000
Global Accounting (Berlin campus) €15,000
International Marketing €15,000
Leadership and Human Resource Management €15,000
Project Management (London campuses) £14,000
Project Management (Berlin campus) April 2020, July 2020:
Project Management (Berlin campus) September 2020:
Strategic Business Management (London campuses) £14,000
Strategic Business Management (Berlin campus) €15,000

Website i universitetit: